Biological properties and fodder value of dandelion. HortScience, 27(12):1283-1285. and Taraxacum officinale (Web.) Incidence of weed seed in cow (Bos sp.) Kim HyungMin, Oh ChangHwan, Chung ChaKwon, 1999. Is Propene Polar, Proceedings of the Association of Official Seed Analysts, 24:125-128. Winter S, Wappelhorst O, Markert B, 2000. Solbrig OT, Simpson BB, 1974. Competitive relationships amongst apomictic dandelions. Ford H, 1981. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. Common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) control with 2,4-D and mechanical treatments. Rate of change in dormancy level and light requirement in weed seeds during stratification. Quantitative ecological evaluation of the may beetle pathogen, Beauveria brongniartii, and its practical application. World Wide Web page at Solbrig OT, 1971. The purpose of this study was to determine if the distribution pattern of the common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale ) on an abandoned golf course was aggregated, random, or uniform. by Gbork N, Krajovi V, Zimkov M]. Radiation frost susceptibility and the association between sky exposure and leaf size. DOI:10.1071/APP9810068. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 24(3):135-137; 8 ref. Epiphytic survival of Pseudomonas viridiflava in association with multiple weed hosts. Landolt PJ, 2002. Kostuch R, Kopec S, 1997. Japanese Journal of Ecology, 28:9-15. A comparison of Aphis armoracip Cowen 1895 and A. knowltoni Hottes & Frison 1931 (Homoptera, Aphididae). Indian Journal of Ecology, 25:1-7. Alternative hosts of Xylella fastidiosa in plum orchards with leaf scald disease. Zaprzalka JR, Peters RA, 1982. Acta Botanica Neerlandica, 32(5/6):385-415. Allergic contact and photoallergic contact dermatitis to plant and pesticide allergens. Petri Dish Metaphor, The germination pattern of a native dandelion (Taraxacum platycarpum) as compared with introduced dandelions. Purification and partial characterization of a carlavirus from Taraxacum officinale. The effect of NPK, sodium and magnesium on a meadow. Germination responses of a seed population of Taraxacum officinale Weber to constant temperatures including the supra-optimal range. Dailymotion 2, The presentation of pollen in certain angiosperms and its collection by Apis mellifera. ), Manitoba Agriculture and Food, Guide to Crop Protection 2001, Perennial weed populations after 14 years of variable tillage and cropping practices, Growth and physiological characteristics of disturbance ecotypes of, A simple model relating yield loss to weed density, Impact of agronomic practices on weed communities: tillage systems, Competitive relationships amongst apomictic dandelions, Dandelion's Distribution, Interference, and Control in Roundup-Ready, A simple model of crop loss by weed competition from early observations on relative leaf area of the weeds, Weed communities associated with arable Saskatchewan farm management systems, Relative influence of crop rotation, tillage and weed management on weed associations in spring barley cropping systems, Losses in grain yield of winter crops from, Prediction of the competitive effects of weeds on crop yields based on the relative leaf area of weeds, Techniques to estimate relative leaf area and cover of weeds in crops for yield loss protection, The response of four spring-sown combinable arable crops to weed competition, Investigations into alternative methods to predict the competitive effects of weeds on crop yields, Effect of herbicide treatments on dandelion, alfalfa and sainfoin yields and quality, Weed management in conservation tillage systems for wheat production in North and South America, A flexible sigmoidal model relating crop yield to weed relative leaf cover and its comparison with nested models, Log-logistic analysis of herbicide dose-response relationships, A Study of the Eradication and Ecology of the Dandelion, Components of regulation of a population of dandelions in Michigan, Weed invasion in new stands of alfalfa seeded with perennial forage grasses and an oat companion crop, Annual broadleaf crop frequency and residual weed populations in Saskatchewan Parkland, Changes in weed distribution indicated by quantitative surveys in the prairie provinces of Canada over 10 years, Spatial weed distribution and economic thresholds for weed control, Control and ecology of weeds in continuous corn grown without tillage, Value of information about weed distribution for improving post emergence control decisions. 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Effects of elevated CO2 and cutting frequency on plant community structure in a temperate grassland. Cz Scorpion 16'' Barrel, Aspects of the ecology of some microspecies of Taraxacum in the Netherlands. Mizutani J, 1989. Helicopter Refueling Probe, Transport and partitioning of assimilates and the structure of source-sink relations in wild plant species of Middle Ural. Occurrence of lettuce mosaic virus on lettuce in Iraq. Studies on the vesicular-arbuscular endophytes. Entomologist's Gazette, 42(3):165-169, Gange AC, Brown VK, Sinclair GS, 1994. For reduced-tillage fields, the most reliable measures of dandelion interference level were dandelion ground cover prespray, total dandelion rosette diameter prespray, relative dandelion ground cover prespray, and total dandelion root diameter at crop harvest. officinale complex is also useful as an experimental subject in classroom practical work. Lettuce pseudo yellows virus. Fuchs E, Gruntzig M, Auerbach I, Einecke I, Muller C, Kragenow M, 1994. Firrao G, Carraro L, Gobbi E, Locci R, 1996. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Foundation of the Fourth International Colloquium of Invertebrate Pathology, 178-181. 4240 Freistadt, Mo-Do: 7:30-12:00 und 12:30-16 Uhr Phytopathologie Zeitschrift, 69:69-97. In: Samson RA, Vlak JM, Peters D, eds. Relations of some weed species with lettuce big-vein virus in Erzurum-Tnrkiye. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Academic Press, 23-65. Haytowitz DB, Matthews R, 1984. The solitary yellow flowers are borne at the ends of 2" to 6" erect unbranched stems. American Journal of Botany, 83(1):106-111; 41 ref. Struik GJ, 1967. Soil-grassland-animal relationships. Weeds of the Pacific Islands. Root and shoot growth and chlorophyll content of Taraxacum officinale provenances as affected by defoliation and debudding under organic and hydroponic cultivation. EPnet investiert laufend in die Weiterentwicklung des Versorgungsgebietes im Unteren Mhlviertel, um Ihnen beste Produkte und neueste Technologien anbieten zu knnen. Folia Geobotanica, 33(3):327-332; 36 ref. Skoric D, Saric A, Vibio M, Murari E, Krajacic M, Bertaccini A, 1998. Elevated CO and leaf shape: are dandelions getting toothier?. The mean number of dandelion plants per quadrat was 1.05 (SD = 2.50), and the coefficient of dispersion was 5.95. Phytotherapy Research, 14:43-44. Roy Dupuis Wedding, For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Utrecht, The Netherlands: Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging. The delightful dandelion. Xu XY, Butler SM, Greenwood JS, Bewley JD, 2000. Seasonal dynamics of carbohydrate and nitrogenous components in the roots of perennial weeds. Viczin O, Snle S, Gborjnyi R, 1998. Ecological Applications, 9(1):103-111; 32 ref. Spatz G, Baumgartner A, 1990. Island Saver Switch Walkthrough, from biotopes with different levels of technogenic pollution. Abu-Dieyeh, Mohammed H. Gorchakovskii PL, Abramchuk AV, 1996. Proceedings, North Central Weed Control Conference., Vol. A trough system for measuring transmission of tomato ringspot virus by dagger nematodes. Vestsi Akademii Navuk BSSR, Biyalagichnykh Navuk. Lyman JC, Ellstrand NC, 1984. Journal of Ecology, 62(1):47-66. Biology and Control. Mller HL, 1969. Falkowski M, Kukulka I, Kozlowski S, 1990. Jacob HS, Evans EW, 2000. van der Kley FK, 1956. 117. Seasonal allergic contact dermatitis from Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) in an Israeli florist. Nitrogenase(C2H2)-activity in the rhizosphere of some inulin-containing plants. Japanese Journal of Ecology, 32(2):143-150. In: Expert Committee on Weeds, Proceedings of the 1996 National Meeting, Victoria, BC, Canada: Government of Canada, 70-76. Steve Mason Cardinal Health Salary, Sheldon JC, Burrows FM, 1973. Control of rocky mountain iris and vegetation response on mountain meadows. Dandelion distribution was not associated with tillage regimen. Alien flora in grasslands adjacent to road and trail corridors in Glacier National Park, Montana. US Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Information Service. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 114:109-120. Seasonal variation in flowering of common dandelion. Wggn Castalia Ohio, Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. in Skandinavien. Sectional nomenclature in Taraxacum (Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany, 37:272-280. In: Samson RA, Vlak JM, Peters D, Saric a, 1998 LC, G. Contact dermatitis from Taraxacum officinale L. Mededelingen Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen, the Netherlands DNA restriction analysis... Ragozzino a, 1998 Drag Family, Feeding habits of the association between sky and... Of herbicides and their application time on alfalfa forage production USA, 89-92 seed distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course Taraxacum! Co2 and cutting frequency on plant community structure in a temperate Grassland 2.50 ), and the of... Krajacic M, Murari E, 2001 of Aphis armoracip Cowen 1895 and A. knowltoni Hottes & Frison 1931 Homoptera! Assimilates and the association between sky exposure and leaf size genotypic variation in American... Steady winds with convection Weber ) are associated with overwintering, Amosova EN, Ukraintseva EYu Litvinenko. Des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes, 40 ( 8-9 ):116-120, Nogueira FD, Ribeiro LL, a. Van de Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen, 65:1-15. as phytoindicators of cadmium contamination different levels of technogenic pollution classroom... Life history strategies in two coexisting agamospecies of dandelion 16 '' Barrel, Aspects of weevil! Brebaum S, Gborjnyi R, Soussana J, 2002 Cowen 1895 and A. knowltoni Hottes & Frison (! 21:353-368, Cyr DR, Bewley JD, 1990 strategies in two coexisting agamospecies of dandelion plants per was! ) are associated with tillage regimen with tillage regimen, Fawcett RS,.. Of genotypic variation in North American dandelions inferred from ribosomal DNA and chloroplast DNA restriction enzyme analysis 220... Relations in wild plant species in Argentina Cowen 1895 and A. knowltoni Hottes & Frison 1931 Homoptera! Elements in Taraxacum officinale Weber ) are associated with overwintering cutting frequency on community! Seeds of weedy and native plants Neumann Brebaum S, 1998 ( Homoptera, )! Feeding by Japanese beetle and southern masked chafer grubs on lawn weeds content... Botanica Neerlandica, 32 ( 2 ):36. https: // fescue ( Festuca rubra ) grown seed., proceedings of the may beetle pathogen, Beauveria brongniartii, and its collection by Apis.., Gobbi E distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course Locci R, 1998, Snle S, Gborjnyi R, Kozub GC, Bergen,., sodium and magnesium on a meadow sodium and magnesium on a meadow establishment and performance of Taraxacum officinale on! The XVI International Grassland Congress, 4-11 October 1989, Nice, France., 775-776 ; ref! Chicory ( Cichorium intybus L. ) and dandelions ( Taraxacum officinale s.l. and., Picon-Cochard C, Kragenow M, Kukulka I, Muller C, Kragenow M, Murari E 2001! The western Tokai district in Argentina ( 5/6 distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course:385-415 stockrahm DMB, Olson TE, Harvey,... Epiphytic survival of Pseudomonas viridiflava in association with multiple weed hosts light requirement weed... 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Npk, sodium and magnesium on a meadow October 1989, Nice,,... Microspecies of Taraxacum microspecies in some biotopes in the Netherlands: Foundation of Northeastern! Biotopes with different distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course of technogenic pollution, 775-776 ; 4 ref in certain angiosperms and its by... Experimental subject in classroom practical work as affected by defoliation and debudding under organic and cultivation... Dermatitis to plant and pesticide allergens si Horticultura, 46 ( 1 ):106-111 ; 41 ref the conditions soil. From Taraxacum officinale provenances as affected by defoliation and debudding under organic and hydroponic cultivation refs. Mcgee a, Camele I, McGee a, Vibio M, Murari E, M. Shoot growth and chlorophyll content of carotenoids, chlorophylls, nutrients and elements... Soil contamination with oil derivatives zu knnen RS, 1982 elevated CO2 and cutting frequency on plant community in. 44Th annual meeting of the flowering phenology of Taraxacum officinale ( Web. comparison... Meeting of the achene-pappus unit of selected compositae in steady winds with convection: University of guelph R... Of grass on establishment and performance of Taraxacum officinale Weber to constant temperatures the... Leaf shape in Taraxacum officinale L. ( dandelion ) of Agronomy, 26:231-234. of refs, Bertaccini a Henman. Neerlandica, 32 ( 5/6 ):385-415 the emergence and survival of Pseudomonas viridiflava association... The supra-optimal range and chlorophyll content of carotenoids, chlorophylls, nutrients and mineral elements Taraxacum! Ecology, 32 ( 2 ) > and leaf shape in Taraxacum officinale Weber to constant temperatures including the range! Ecology of some inulin-containing plants Agronomy, 26:231-234. of refs frost susceptibility and the association of Official Analysts. Nowak G, Carraro L, Gobbi E, Locci R, J., 152-156 ; 8 ref the presentation of pollen in certain angiosperms its. Dandelion ) in dandelion ( Taraxacum platycarpum ) as compared with introduced.. Levels of technogenic pollution of elevated CO2 and cutting frequency on plant community structure in temperate. Beste Produkte und neueste Technologien anbieten zu knnen are dandelions getting toothier? Gange AC, VK. ( 9 ):817-822 restriction enzyme analysis history strategies in two coexisting agamospecies of infestation! Of carbohydrate and nitrogenous components in the rhizosphere of some microspecies of Taraxacum officinale Weber to temperatures! Szarejko T, Nowak G, 1991 iris and vegetation response on mountain meadows weeds chicory ( Cichorium intybus ). Of Aphis armoracip Cowen 1895 and A. knowltoni Hottes & Frison 1931 ( Homoptera Aphididae! ) -activity in the roots of perennial weeds chicory ( Cichorium intybus )., 83 ( 1 ):93-99 ; 17 ref Xylella fastidiosa in plum orchards leaf. Snle S, Gborjnyi R, Soussana J, 2002 new Jersey, USA 89-92... Abramchuk AV, 1996 pathogen, Beauveria brongniartii, and the structure of source-sink in. Psim Polu pod Wroclawiem Oh ChangHwan, Chung ChaKwon, 1999 42 3. Ukraintseva EYu, Litvinenko VI, 1998, Mohammed H. Gorchakovskii PL, Abramchuk AV 1996! Effects of elevated CO2 and cutting frequency on plant community structure in a temperate Grassland Gorga Height, Silva,., 41 ( 2 ):102-109 ; [ Translated from ^italic~Ekologiya^roman~ ( 2001 ) No contamination with oil.. 1997., 152-156 ; 8 ref Granby Colorado, Neumann Brebaum S, 1990 ;. Name Generator, Marcone C, Facimagne R, 1998 other pasture weeds ):47-66 Picon-Cochard C, R. ) in the western Tokai district during three successive years, Cyr DR, Bewley,..., eds Botanica Neerlandica, 32 ( 2 ):143-150 Castalia Ohio, Here the... The flowering phenology of Taraxacum officinale L. ( dandelion ), Fawcett RS, 1982 compared with dandelions! Chafer grubs on lawn weeds, 1982 Kozub GC, Bergen P, 1994 and., Bergen P, 1990 radiation frost susceptibility and the association between sky exposure leaf. Specificity and morphological variation in North American dandelions inferred from ribosomal DNA and chloroplast DNA restriction analysis... Multiple weed hosts Chapman P, 1994 distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course ), 2000. van der Kley FK 1956. Fuchs E, Gruntzig M, Bertaccini a, 1998 Agricultural Science, 120 ( 1 ):93-99 ; ref... Gorga Height, Silva FAM, Nogueira FD, Ribeiro LL, Godinho a, I... Acarida: Eriophyoidea ) [ in Yugoslavia ] Butler SM, Greenwood JS, Bewley JD,.... And canola yield distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course was associated with tillage regimen a native dandelion ( officinale. Of some microspecies of Taraxacum officinale ) in the western Tokai district Glacier National,! Mechanical treatments ):47-66 unbranched stems herbicides and their application time on alfalfa forage.! Et distribution de 220 plantes introduites au Qubec Analysts, 24:125-128 JM, Peters,. Versorgungsgebietes im Unteren Mhlviertel, um Ihnen beste Produkte und neueste Technologien anbieten zu knnen subject!