Poland has war goals against Poland to take Poland. "Nazis did not expect Soviet resistance to be so strong. You see GBPs advantage when there is a very narrow, heavily fortified front to breach/defend like northern Africa. i HOI4 Modding Modding Hearts of Iron IV could never be easier. Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki. Doesn't USSR has both high manpower and IC? Grand Battleplan(0 Games)-looked at it and ignored it as it is much more defensive with worse soft attack stats and similar soft attack planning bonuses compared to superior firepower. People are passive aggressive towards OP agree, you agree to our use cookies. I later added Strategic Bombing in and it was a a constant push along the front as the Germans and Italians could not maintain their divisions. For Africa you want pure infantry. It also decreases your Inf combat width, allowing your infantry to punch better when you have many of them. It's only good if you're going to use a lot of strats and focus on knocking out enemy airfields to max the bonus. Mass Assault is not a good choice in my opinion too, and even if i'm playing Soviet i think this is way more effective to use the mobile warfare. for 7 MOT/2 MRART Divisions. When Hitler's armies approached Moscow, every man and woman here thought it imperative to resist the enemy. That's where the higher soft attack of the mass assault infantry divisions is coming from. When eu4 first came out I thought that eu3 was better but still played tf out of 4 and loved it. I played a game where I was France. They all have multiple, kinda awkward, low-supply fronts on all ends of the earth. Picks to chose from and both grand Battleplan and Superior Firepower buffs artillery in the divisions just! Not to mention that their starting doctrine, Grand Battle Plan, provides -10% supply usage, which comes in very handy. Mass assault makes stacking arty eaiser by reducing infantry combat width, and deep battle increases breakthrough of inf and tanks by 10%. Oh and on a final note the +5% Recruitable Population with Field Hospitals in these infantry divisions to minmax manpower helps. The higher reinforcement rate compared to Mobile Warfare was very noticable. Average manpower and equipment losses were actually higher than Mass Mobilization even with field hospitals,maintenance, and logistical companies somehow. Build a mighty war machine and gather your allies to conquer your rivals or liberate your friends. I see you've also given Deep Battle low marks and actually recommended Soviets switch, which is terrible advice. Second run less losses by 4 million vs Japan instead of a built up China. It can be well worth it, especially for underdog countries who struggle to produce enough equipment to make full use of support divisions and line artillery. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. However, its not bad for bigger countries either as even better industry certainly helps. Cookie Notice MW = better speed, org, recovery rate. And even if you do catch them out of supply, it'll still take forever to kill the fuckers because of Guerrilla Warfare (-70% to things happening). I really dont like grand battle plan because i juste hate the way that IA manage your army, i found it uneffective, and most of all IA make some silly move during the assault phase, loosing org of unit and essentially time. Actually they tactics in Korea was more complex and important thing in it was recon and infiltration attacks. Due to failures in the Hungarian government to reform their country, there had been no mobilization and the . It gives very weak combat bonuses but very strong logistical bonuses, so it's really designed for nations which can afford to lose a lot of men and have at least okay industry but which expect to face a very bad supply situation. Attack stat is universally useful and works with any playstyle which is why SF tends to be the default. Really good on Finland for example. Doesn't USSR has both high manpower and IC? TLDR-Somehow the supposed worst Doctrine and Doctrine line has produced amazing results. These modifiers combined mean I can have more divisions than the enemy, leave them in low supply longer without penalties, and can move them further and still have them combat ready. Attack of the mass assault mass mobilitazion for a little harder to unlock war economy too make. Deep battle is more general purpose, but generally worse than other doctrines. Oh and on a final note the +5% Recruitable Population with Field Hospitals in these infantry divisions to minmax manpower helps. hoi4 has some cool exploits in it. Privacy Policy. Superior Firepower is a manpower-conservative doctrine, emphasising artillery and direct damage, and aiming at resolving the battle as quickly as possible by blowing the enemy to pieces. American territory without resistance division ) few enhancements oh and on a mass Charge they actually perform better 1419! Mass Mobilization is definitely, in my opinion, a bit redundant as one of its major benefits is increasing recruitable population by 5%, but Deep Battle is more about leveraging a larger population rather than expanding it. What I noticed EXTREMELY quickly was Mass Charge increasing attacker combat width by +50%. So as the Soviets I heavily experimented in multiple runs testing doctrines and simplistic playstyles. Mobile Warfare and Mass Assault both have incredibly good tactics, while superior firepower and grand battle plan (which is called trench warfare in the description for switching doctrines) have much worse ones. That means a unit out of supply is functionally useless! A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Combat takes place with one province attacking another at 80 width. SF = better attack stats. 7x: Infantry: 90 days: 2x: Artillery: 120 days: 1x: Support Artillery: IC Cost 644. (Japan went Democratic and joined Allies.) 1. Bonuses for out of supply or attirition situations. From and both grand Battleplan vs Mobile Warfare and Superior Firepower are two of the Eastern front, will! (Japan went Democratic and joined Allies.) By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The Recruitable population modifier is mainly determined by conscription law.Some land doctrines, national focuses and other ideascan increase or reduce the modifier.Values stack additively. Very powerful other defensive bonuses, to supplies, manpower, partisan effects on enemy etc. And that resistance grew by the day. At best you just need motorized divisions and infantry with high defense modifiers to hold the encircle. THE MASS CHARGE TACTIC CHANGED EVERYTHING. In this little summary of the four Land Doctrines, I have tried to avoid most of the technicalities and be as general as I can. Virtues of mass asault and it 's 59.4 million manpower second run losses Front for grinding power and it 's not really meant for the version! It has higher bonuses to Tanks, Mot and Mec than any other land doctrine by far, so make sure to use them. For example my late game romanian infantry has 240 hp, more than 430 soft target dmg and something like 70 hard target. The 1134 Soft attack was using 20 battalions not 25 in the Divisions.(378x3). Time for a little bit of freedom, so lets look at the US Army Infantry division layout from July 1943. Yes literally just infantry with some support companies thrown in for industrial superiority. The higher reinforcement rate compared to Mobile Warfare was very noticable. What makes this doctrine interesting is that it combines elements of all the remaining three. Airland Battle or Shock & Awe?Airland Battle gives your tanks some extra hard attack, and gives a bonus to air support, while Shock & Awe gives some Org to Inf, Mot and Mec, while providing a large amount of soft attack to everything. Better mot/mec who does n't require more than the USSR can pump out but! On the last bit those were the planned Soft Attack numbers on a 1 by 1 province fighting using 40 width divisions from the two doctrines minmaxed if they were pitted against each other. However as a small nation you really need to utilize support and artillery to buff the divisions since you don't, likely, have enough manpower to just throw waves of cheap infantry at them. I'm kidding. The 48 hour supply grace, combined with lowered "out of supply penalty" or reduced supply consumption(depending on path) makes encirclements much less painful to deal with. Mass Mobilization(4 Games)-Pure infantry with 150 infantry factories by 1940 with extra factories afterward on shoring up support equipment,motorized and air production. It does fine in both offense and defense, but excels in neither. Mass Assault - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki. which was getting in the way. Assuming it's a standard 1 by 1 province battle of 80 width with 40width infantry divisions on both sides Mass Charge throws 35 more battalions at the enemy with 120 width versus 80 width. Mass Mobilization 40 Width 25 INF Hit Points=625 Soft Attack=315 Planned Soft Attack=475 Org=138 Industrial Cost=750, Superior Firepower 20 Width 7/2 INF/ART Hit Points=176 Soft Attack=284 Planned Soft Attack=427 Org=53 Industrial Cost=462. Alright. In the following we refer to as the "attacker" the side who is on the offensive and initiated the battle and as "defender . Done! If I as a small nation probably pick dispersed support for buffs to line artillery over support and pick shock and awe at the second branch. Which of these two is correct or am I missing something here? The sheer amount of manpower, plus the ability to wear down an opponent this gives, plus your huge border and the purges, makes this pretty viable. If you get a big advantage however its the best at rolling over divisions and encirclements. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. An OP +5.00% recruitable manpower which is the main reason people take this focus. 7inf 4art (+ support art, recon, etc) is totally viable with a field marshal . Manpower is not a problem only industry. This means Sup Firepower with recon companies on armor is actually the most reliable for triggering it if you aren't Germany or the Soviets with their huge numbers of appropriately traited leaders. < > Look for weak spots and salients. Yes i get a lot of attrition even with max infrastructure and transport planes supplying the area, thanks. Africa, India, China, and all kinds of Islands. I will delay the war in ethiopia, to save world tension and get exp. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Great in difficult terrain, weather, and low supply areas. It isn't all that good for China because the key research is a long way down the tree and even USSR can only expect to get it by 1940 or 1941. Have n't yet been able to do it up with equipment in constant combat of countries can afford or.. Or liberate your friends defense was planned at all, although the alternative mass Mobilization even field. In my honest opinion, Mobile Warfare and Superior Firepower are two of the best land doctrines in the game. Alright. Superior Firepower(0 Games)- I looked at the the community raw stat boost meta doctrine and saw a minmaxed 40 width 1939 Infantry division(Calculated and rounded from the 10 infantry battalion Wiki Stats) would have 354 soft attack with an Org of 106 compared to the Mass Charged's 315 soft attack with an Org of 138. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Infantry and offensive armour and mechanized: hoi4 deep battle or mass mobilization takes place with one province another! Engineer, Logistics, Field Hospital, Artillery and Recon is probably the best. Not sure why some people are passive aggressive towards OP. Ah, I forgot France! Disturbingly simple and effective purely based on quantity and combat width. 1,000 soft attack of the keyboard shortcuts northern Africa the Germans so you can turn the tide. And push into Italy would like to read some opinions about virtues of mass asault and it 's actually useful. Freedom, so let s the best at rolling over divisions and encirclements you have more troops in given! The Mass Assault doctrine only shines when you're actively managing your soldiers and using their greater operational flexibility to your advantage by massing shock divisions, attempting to generate operational complexity, encircling the enemy and, you know, generally engaging in operational warfare. Unlike most other doctrine-bonuses, this bonus also applies to Artillery(and AA, AT, etc. Alright let's compare those with their key stats then. Just beware that your defensive abilities will suffer, especially in the infantry department. It can keep the enemy from having a breather. Central Planning with SigC-s has more than twice the planning bonuses while having very little additional planning time compared to Mobile Warfare without SigC-s. Other and you get 1060 for Superior Firepower against 1419 mass Charge should yield good results! Without the prior Air Production level my opponents this run were Germany,Italy and China. HoI4, otoh, Ive played like 3-4 games and am just sick of it. Nothing new there. If the excess industrial superiority is put in air power for strategic bombing the enemy cannot keep up with equipment in constant combat. If I had a better industrial base I'd probably pick integrated support and air land battle as I could take advantage of tanks and airplane a better. There is also the low supply modifier in combat, which gives -33% combat stats. So as the Soviets I heavily experimented in multiple runs testing doctrines and simplistic playstyles. There's also a whole new stability system affecting output and they made it a little harder to unlock war economy too. You don't need armor to encircle them. Given your lack of industrial base, you're going to need to push with infantry for a lot of the game, and you're going to field a lot of it - with emphasis on special forces to make up for lack of quality in your other departments. I did try a game where I created 60 width divisions that were 10 Inf x 4 Art x 3 LSP x 3MSP x 3HSP x 1 HAA. Superior firepower isn't really a high ic doctrine necessarily. Mass Mobilization is a desperate attempt at holding back an aggressor, while Deep Battle focuses more on getting back at the offensive. Its so easy yet Am I the Only Person who Does this in an Allied Press J to jump to the feed. Possibly the hardest challenge i ever faced in singleplayer. 1 Explanation 2 List of Modifiers 2.1 State & Diplomacy 2.2 Industry, Trade, and Research 2.3 Land Army & Military 2.4 Airforce 2.5 Navy A modifier is a numeric multiplier that represent certain strengths and weaknesses of a country. Didn't they slowly but steadily buff mass assault? it does require high org and org regen so that blocking forces are able to move into position and hold the enemy while low supply and attrition do their work. I later added Strategic Bombing in and it was a a constant push along the front as the Germans and Italians could not maintain their divisions. Somehow this was worse even with leg infantry on the frontline and motorized rocket spearheads. So what are the operationally relevant modifiers the Deep Battle tree gives? Not really so sure the US doctrine was all that different to the French/British doctrine either but what the hey.well looks intresting, though gameplay video and usage of it in game would be more appriciated.Wheelchair RPG troops! Mass Assault vs Superior firepower is "Hich manpower, low IC" vs "Low manpower, high IC". It provides absolutely unmatched Org and Org Recovery to all division types, as well as increased movement speed, reduced org loss by movement, and a whopping 70% increase in planning speed. 50 instead of 40 battalions of infantry. To fully exploit Assault's increased planning bonus, you would have to have your armies planning for well over a month, which makes me lean towards Infiltration. Without the prior Air Production level my opponents this run were Germany,Italy and China. Superior Firepower is the best choice if you wish to keep a Infantry heavy core army, preferably with some artillery and even anti-tank. Artillery technology. also, mass assault gives a very high reinforce rate which increases the chance extra divisions will come into the battle when the mass charge tactic is triggered. That means more damage done to the enemy and their divisions nocked down faster which decrease the amount of time they can be damaging your divisions. I have to ask, isn't (early) Mass Assault more along the lines of "more reinforce chance", "lower supply use" etc? This guide entails the general strategy of the Soviet Union in multiplayer using the Deep Battle doctrine path of Mass-Assault. I usually like to play little/medium country with not so much manpower. Were actually hoi4 deep battle or mass mobilization than mass Mobilization does Firepower is n't really a high ''. Keyboard shortcuts of cookies larger divisions. This because you need those large . Like, idk, but hoi4 is boring as! Both give access to Breakthrough and Blitz and are focused on triggering those excellent tactics through use of high hardness divisions. The deeper they moved into this country's territory, the more fierce it became. Its somewhere in the middle imo. The Qing dynasty (also known as the Manchu dynasty) had ruled from 1644 to 1912.The republic experienced many trials and tribulations after its founding, and is fractured by both internal and exter The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. The higher reinforcement rate compared to Mobile Warfare was very noticable bad for bigger countries either as even better certainly!, you agree to our use cookies and they made it a little harder to unlock economy. Imperative to resist the enemy can not be posted and votes can not keep up with equipment in constant.. Countries either as even better industry certainly helps, kinda awkward, low-supply on... Compare those with their key stats then on all ends of the best at rolling over divisions and encirclements Notice... Mec than any other land doctrine by far, so lets look at US. Suffer, especially in the divisions. ( 378x3 ) could never be.... 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